Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Just a reminder that the midterm will be held at the beginning of class on Monday, July 27th, for the Mt. Laurel class, and Tuesday, July 28th, for the Willingboro class. It's worth 25% of your overall grade. You'll have 90 minutes to complete it.

There are a variety of questions on the midterm: some multiple choice, some short answers, a variety of argument evaluation, a mini-essay, and extra credit. It covers everything we've gone over in class so far:
  • Philosophy
    -Doing philosophy
  • Arguments
    -Evaluation: Check the structure and the premises
    -Types: Deductive, Inductive, and Abductive
  • Knowledge
    -Definition: True belief + ?????
    -Descartes: uncertain of childhood beliefs, senses, and reasoning; certain he's thinking and he exists
    -Rationalism: reason is the main source of our knowledge
    -Plato's rationalist arg for innate ideas
    -Empiricism: sense experience is the main source of our knowledge
    -Locke's empiricist arg against innate ideas
    -Hume's empiricism
  • God Stuff
    -Evidentialism vs. nonevidentialism
    -Cosmological Argument: Aquinas's version, abductive version, Taylor's version
Also, I expect you to stick around after the midterm, because we WILL be learning stuff in class after it's done.

How's that for a necessary explanation?


  1. Where are the LAWLCATS?!

  2. but they should be EVERY WHERE!!! you make me laugh with all your cats :)
