Introduction to Philosophy
Burlington County College
Philosophy 101, Summer Session II, 2009
Section 51: Mt. Laurel Campus, Mondays/Wednesdays: 6:00–10:05 p.m.
Section 81: Willingboro Center, Tuesdays/Thursdays: 8:00 a.m.–12:05 p.m.
Burlington County College
Philosophy 101, Summer Session II, 2009
Section 51: Mt. Laurel Campus, Mondays/Wednesdays: 6:00–10:05 p.m.
Section 81: Willingboro Center, Tuesdays/Thursdays: 8:00 a.m.–12:05 p.m.
Instructor: Sean Landis
Phone: 609-980-8367
Required Texts
The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach, 4th Edition, William F. Lawhead
About the Course
This course is designed to introduce students to philosophy. Throughout the semester, we are going to explore a handful of classic philosophical questions: What is knowledge? Does God exist? What is the nature of good and evil?
In examining these issues, it is my hope that we can also develop the skills of doing philosophy—understanding philosophical arguments, evaluating the quality of such arguments, and developing good arguments of our own on philosophical topics. Our main goal is for each of us to come to appreciate the value of sitting and thinking. Long, careful, systematic, detailed thought is a great tool for increasing understanding on complex topics.
A = 900-1000 total points
B = 800-899 total points
C = 700-799 total points
D = 600-699 total points
F = below 600 total points
Midterm: 250 points
Final : 350 points
Quiz : 150 points
4 Reading Responses : 50 points each (200 points total)
Attendance/Participation: 50 points
Quiz: There will be a 25-minute quiz at the end of the first sections on arguments and knowledge.
Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam. The midterm tests everything covered during the first half of the course, and will last about 80 minutes on the scheduled day. The final exam is cumulative—it tests everything covered throughout the whole course, not just the second half. The final will also last 80 minutes, and take place on the last day of class.
Reading Responses: There will be four reading responses, which are to be handed in at the beginning of class the day they are due. Each assignment is an approximately one- to two-paged (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, normal margins) response to a specific question about one or more of the week’s readings. The responses are a chance to do philosophy. To this effect, the focus of the responses will be on paraphrasing (demonstrating that you understand the argument by putting it in your own words) and critically evaluating (presenting objections to the argument or responding to such objections) the philosophical arguments being presented in the readings.
Extra Credit: I like giving extra credit! I’ll be giving some official extra credit assignments throughout the semester. I’ll also be offering some extra credit points more informally during class time. Remind me about this if I slack off on dishing out extra credit points.
Classroom Policies
Academic Integrity: Cheating and Plagiarism (copying substantially from another source without giving credit to that source) will not be tolerated in the class. Students found guilty of either will definitely fail the exam or assignment—and possibly the entire class. (Come to me if you are unsure what constitutes cheating or plagiarism.)
Excused Absences: Make-up exams, quizzes, in-class projects, and oral reports will only be rescheduled for any excused absences (excused absences include religious observance, official college business, and illness or injury – with a doctor’s note). An unexcused absence on the day of any assignment or test will result in a zero on that assignment or test.
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Important Dates
July 2: Last day to withdraw & receive a 100% refund.
July 6 – July 7: Late Registration and Add Period (with $35.00 service fee)
July 6 – July 10: Drop Period with name removed from roster and 50% refund
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