Wednesday, July 29, 2009

God Stuff

If you've read a good article on god stuff, recommend it to us by emailing me or posting the link in the comments section of this post. In the meantime, I have something for you.

The National Public Radio show Fresh Air ran a pair of interviews with two scientists talking about whether God exists. (Since they're not trained philosophers, some of their arguments aren't the best. Try to spot their mistakes!) The conversations touch on a lot of things we've been discussing in class.
Hey, where's the interview with an agnostic? The media are so biased toward those with opinions.

Agnostic Cat Owns Her Ignorance

1 comment:

  1. I have read Richard Dawkins book "the Selfish Gene" It was hard to understand at parts but it was actually a pretty good read and explained a lot of things in detail!
